In a previous post you could read about issues with IB switches and other problems with the APR QFSDP 12.1
we had some more surprises.
All BP we installed so far are Data Guard First enabled meaning you can install them on the standby do a switchover, bring your new standby at your pace to the same level and do a data patch.
Well we did that as for all the other QFSDP’s so far.
but after the switchover ALL of a sudden our standby’s didn’t follow anymore and aborted recovery with an ORA-00600 ….
we clearly ran into this issue :
ORA-00600:[KTSLU_PUA_REMCHK-1] Could be generated after Applying April 2017 Database Bundle Patch ( DBBP) (Doc ID 2267842.1)
We fixed our issue by just applying the BP on the unpatched home we didn’t add the extra patch.
The key is to re-read the documentation several times, however wouldn’t it be nice if oracle support could send you a mail they have records of everything you downloaded anyways, judging the sales people that call each time i download new stuff 😉
this would be a great service !
Another great service would actually to test patches … and test if a patch is DG first here the second patch was release a long time after the APR bundle making you wonder if they actually tested this patch upfront in a DG environment and did a switchover