OOW 2016 where to start…

My first and last OOW dated from 2012 so this was my second OOW.
 It started with some quirks : issues in Brussels caused my flight to be delayed by 132min making me miss my other flight in Zurich, I was happy to hear that i was rebooked on a flight to Boston the same day, sad to hear 1h before that flight that that flight was cancelled and that i  had to stay over in Zurich and take the plane the next day to Frankfurt to continue the journey.
So instead of arriving thursday I arrived one day later friday, missing some appointments I made in the morning.
After that it only got better.  
Jan Karremans and Oyvind Isene came to collect me from the airport from where we took an Uber to Fremont to visit the Tesla factory.Ilmar Kerm and his Kristina joined us at the factory,
It was great to see how a car is in 6 days made from raw materials. I was surprised to see how many things they make theirselves onsite, other factories I visited worked with more suppliers.
Contrary to last time, I on purposely decided not to overload my agenda with sessions, most of the sessions I can I attend at other conferences.
For me the most important part of Open World are the demo grounds, the hands on labs  and of course meeting up with friends and fellow oracle enthousiasts 
The demo grounds in the exhibition hall is the place where you can get in  contact with the product managers and sometimes even the developers of a software feature or product. I spend quite some time there and missed quite a few sessions because i didn’t see time pass 😉
I am not going to bother you with the sessions I followed, that would bring us too far 😉
It was great seeing so many friends back this year and to participate in the different activities organised by the community and product managers :
the ACE dinner
the golden gate run on Sunday
the bay swim on Monday
the gathering with SQL Developer friends in the 21st amendement
the Super Cluster reception
I really would like to thank Jennifer and Laura and everybody else  from the ACE and OTN program for all the effort they put in giving us a great time at OOW. 
Being part of the ACE program really made this a great experience.

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