I was invited to Finland last week to speak, to participate in RAC Attack and to co-host a round table on Oracle Database Standard Edition together with my friends Jan Karremans and Ann Sjökvist  (which I knew from twitter but never met in person) and Juha Hellman from Oracle Finland.

It were two busy but fantastic days, there organisation was really top notch, great food, great atmosphere, great people; I love the oracle community such a strong and nice group of technology eager nerds 😉

It was also the occasion to meetup with my fellow pragma’s : Iloon Ellen Wolff, Joel Goodman and Jan Karremans ( and not this one although jan also is arty 😉

you can read a lot about OUGF here and here and here and here of course on twitter searching on hash tag #ougf14 so I will try to tell the story by these pictures.
The speakers dinner was in a great setting Harolds Viking Restaurant
Some Pictures to encourage you to go there the Finnish cuisine is really very very nice I loved the tar-ice-cream very very special taste.

very nice atmosphere

sometimes very fearsome vikings

did i mention the service was fast ? 😉

The day next day we were of to Haltia a wonderful natural resort

Then this person was “keynoting about 12 more things about 12c” do you recognise him ?
or is this better

 Learned a lot about 12c which I realise should start digging into …..

Then it was James Morle’s turn, for many of us this was the best keynote in years, he made some really good observations and I really enjoyed it a lot !!! I hope the slides will come online, it talked about best practices, windows of opportunity, the lack of professionalism and the copy cats implementing  best practices without thinking as a day job
The quote “Corporate IT is not IT was marvellous’ and had the whole conference room smiling.

First Bjoern Rost (@brost) and Kamran Agayev (@KamranAgayev) and I were there for Rac Attack

Lappish Kota edition

Bjoern Rost having a great time in our sauna

then our first attendee Jussi showed up

It appeared that Mike Dietrich aka as Mr Upgrade had a seminar next doors so he came to say hi !!! 
thanks for dropping by Mike !!!
We were out of joy when we saw jussi tweet 
Up and running! Now I needs to br34k it.. @pfierens @brost @KamranAgayev #RACAttackNinja #ougf14 http://t.co/Yc6embQdPm
05/06/14 15:34

so we decided to make a special jump picture for him,

Then it was show time for me, talking about” LDOMS and Oracle Database what to Expect”

I had a limited but great audiance with great questions really enjoyed it.
I also liked Kamran s session about Clusterware failure scenarios

After this I went to my friend Joel Goodmans session about Global Resource Management in Rac a session I saw already before but which was really nice to see again; Joel really knows his stuff and is extremely good at explaining things

Then the last session of the day Bryn Llewellyn
 was there with some relief  (thanks Oyvind and Brost for the catering )

and we thought we could call it a wrap, but ho no time for goodies !!!!

We are in Finland right so time after this for Sauna 😉

to our surprise there was a small live band of (ex) Oracle Finland employees bringing nice music encouraging people to dance.
They were so nice to get Oyvind on the “dance flour” for his birthday dance …

I didn’t take pictures from the food but that was really marvellous, freshly smoked ‘salmon’ Finland style … great.

The first conference day was really great, the next day the world premier SE round table was on the agenda … I will post info about this shortly…

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