something I noticed today while patching the first database node in the super cluster with BP12 since this will be probably the last patch we will implement before going into UAT in december this year I decided to patch an isolated environment, from a Solaris side , no need to patch anything, since we were already on QFSDP july 2013.
the readme says following
To display such fixes included in the bundle , execute the following to get the list of bugs included in the current bundle
SQL> connect / as sysdbaSQL> set serveroutput on;
SQL> exec dbms_optim_bundle.getBugsforBundle
To display such fixes included in all bundles till now say BP12, execute the following
SQL> connect / as sysdbaSQL> set serveroutput on;
SQL> exec dbms_optim_bundle.getBugsforBundle(12)
To switch ON all fixes with plan changes included in bundles till now
SQL> exec dbms_optim_bundle.enable_optim_fixes(‘ON’,’Scope’);Where Scope can be either of MEMORY or SPFILE or BOTH, the default is MEMORY.
To get the information on what needs to be added to init.ora to enables these fixes
SQL> set serveroutput on;SQL> exec dbms_optim_bundle.enable_optim_fixes(‘ON’,’INITORA’);
These can be disabled by following the steps mentioned below
SQL> connect / as sysdba
SQL> exec dbms_optim_bundle.enable_optim_fixes(‘OFF’,’Scope’);
Where Scope can be either of MEMORY or SPFILE or BOTH, the default is MEMORY.
To disable the fixes enabled using init.ora , please remove the earlier added entries.
If you are rolling back then the above steps that were done to enable/disable fixes needs be undone manually