My 2nd time at UKOUG, the conference which got me into talking at conferences last year.

This Year I had 2 talks one joint presentation with Bjoern Rost about the Renaissance of SPARC and one about moving from M9000 to Sparc Super Cluster (both presentations will be on slideshare shortly).

Both sessions went very well we had a good feedback and a good QA during and after the session

Apart from attending sessions the best part of going to conferences is the Social Side of it meeting people…. A non exhaustive list : …. I wanted to thank for making this conference so great for me ..

thank you

Martin Bach
Bjoern “Mierenneuker” Rost 😉 btw for the dutch here the honour goes to Frits who learned bjoern a new word 🙂
Martin Paul Nash
Babak Tourani
Bart Sjerps
Marcin Przepiorowski
Richard “David” Foote
Frits Hoogland
Andy Colvin
Bryn Llewellyn
David Peake
Joel Kallman
Peter Scott
Maris Elsin
Simon Haslan
Uwe Hesse
Kellyn and Tim Gorman
Chris Antognini
Mark Fielding
Ludovico Caldara
Jonathan Lewis
Iloon Ellen – Wolff
Joel GoodMan
Veronica from Enkitec
Maja Veselica
Zoran Pavlovic
Brendan Tierney
Maria Colgan
Markus Michalewicz
Oyvind Isene
Kjell Ture
Bertrand Drouvot
Debra Lilley and Jennifer Nicholson from the Otn program

you Guys and Girls made my conference

some impressions 

A special thanks also to the organisation of UKOUG for making this possible.

my highlights were the sessions of

Andy Colvin about emergency migration to exadata, Richard Foote’s presentation about Exadata and indexes, the excellent presentation of Martin Bach about HCC internals and Jonathan Lewis’  Fundamentals of Troubleshooting (without graphics)  and Maris and Marcs session about Oda as a service.

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