Today was the last day of a the ougnvarseminar2013,  this was my 2 nd seminar , my first being oracle openworld last year. I had a marvellous time in Oslo and on the boat between Olso and Kiel, there are at least 12 reasons for that :

  1. perfect organisation
  2. fantastic speakers : Thomas Kyte, Cary Millsap, Joel Goodman , Bryn Llewellyn , Martin Bach(@MartinDBA), Martin Nash (@mpnsh), Bjoern Rost(@brost),  Frits Hoogland (@fritshoogland), Iloon Ellen (@iloonellen), Roel Hartman, Kuassi Mensah (@kmensah)  and many many others
  3. great sessions
  4. friendly Norwegians
  5. nice classy setting
  6. good food
  7. new friends
  8. down to earth conversations
  9. technical sessions no marketing bullsh*t 
  10. nice weather
  11. justin bieper
  12. presentations about new upcoming version n.m R1 😉 
I had a lot of eye-openers and have lots of inspiration for new things really i can highly recommend you this seminar, the sessions were on par with the speakers. 
Thank you oyvind isene (@OyvindIsene for the twitterati) for the hospitality and letting me know about this great conference.
Thank you ougn board for all the work you’ve put in this, for me it was worth it
Thank you @johnnyq72 aka Mr. DbVisit or Jan for the friends, for the insights you gave me in the various DbVisit products and the great time we spend together.
Thank you Iloon Ellen for the great talks we had
Thank you Joel Goodman for the lessons in Oracle you taught and more importantly the lessons in life you taught me, never thought this would be possible in such a short timespan.
here some impressions which fall completely into nothing with the real thing

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