This due to issues with RAT( probably inconsistent data ) i had to flashback the RAT testing db …
now this db was upgraded to
so i shut the db down and started it up with the home since the flashback was generated when the home was still used

SQL> select  scn , name from v$restore_point;

SCN                     NAME

8446404412              BEFORE_ACTIVATE

so i issued

SQL> flashback database to restore point before_activate;

however it returned 

flashback database to restore point before_activate
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-38792: encountered unknown flashback record from release

so i stopped and mounted the db with home and did the flashback

SQL> flashback database to restore point before_activate;
Flashback complete.

shutdown the db and started it in mount modus with the 10g home
and opened resetlogs …
this is was recorded in the alertlog

RESETLOGS after incomplete recovery UNTIL CHANGE 8446404413Resetting resetlogs activation ID 2090464176 (0x7c99f3b0)Online log +DATADG1//onlinelog/group_7.2217.784034813: Thread 2 Group 7 was previously clearedOnline log +ARCHDG1//onlinelog/group_7.316.784034813: Thread 2 Group 7 was previously clearedOnline log +DATADG1//onlinelog/group_8.2218.784034815: Thread 2 Group 8 was previously clearedOnline log +ARCHDG1//onlinelog/group_8.317.784034815: Thread 2 Group 8 was previously cleared

funny thing is that current_scn is much higher, i guess this is to avoid clashes… with scn ‘s that were created across the different flashback and resetlogs operations I did.
SQL> select current_scn from v$database;
I would like to thank the twitter community and especially @yvelikanov and @jarneil @martinberx 
PS jarneil wrote an excellent article about this but seemed to use the binaries to flashback as this didn’t work in my case i decided to devote a blog article for this .

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